County-Wide Issues of Concern to Lake County Residents, Property Owners and Businesses
A. Given current economic conditions affecting the county, the state and the federal government, how do you think the county should deal with our property tax levies to fund its operations?
B. If economic conditions don't improve or worsen, how should the county prioritize its services to the public to keep its budget in line with the ability of taxpayers to afford to pay for those services?
C. County Board meetings are now held during the day when most working people cannot attend. In order to to become more involved in county activities, many people would like to see the meetings held in the evening after the supper hour.
D. What can the county do to provide needed assistance or support to cities and townships?
E. What can the county do to provide appropriate assistance and/or support to our local businesses?
F. What can realistically be done to support the development or relocation of new businesses and jobs to the county?
G. What are the real facts on the proposed county-operated broadband project? The county has apparently spent a lot of money on consultants, and may have to pay more if the funding is approved. Then, it seems the county is not concerned about defaulting on somewhere between $34 million and $70 million in borrowed taxpayer money and grants if the project doesn't achieve financial success.