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"School Voting District Six" Seat on the School Board of Independent School District No. 381 (Lake County) State of Minnesota.

Lake Superior Independent School District #381, School Voting District Number Six (6) is covers of the following four geographic areas:

(Area 1) Unorganized Territory #2, Precinct #1: Range 11, Township 52, Sections 18,19,30 and 31.

Polling Place:

Knife River Recreational Building                                                                               199 Alger Smith Road                                                                                                  Knife River, MN 55609

(Area 2) Unorganized Territory #2, Precinct #2: Range 11, Township 52, NOT INCLUDING Sections 5,6,7, PART of Section 8 and ALL of Sections 18,19,30 and 31.

Polling Place:

Larsmont Community Center Building                                                                        701 Larsmont Road                                                                                                      Two Harbors MN 55616

(Area 3) Unorganized Territory #2, Precinct $3: Range 11, Township 53, PART of Section 17 and 18, ALL of Sections 19-34, and PART of Section 35. INCLUDES Range 11, Township 52, Sections 5,6,7, and PART of Section 8.

Polling Place:

Two Harbors High School                                                                                            1640 Highway 2                                                                                                             Two Harbors MN 55616

(Area 4) Unorganized Territory #2, Precinct #4: Range 11, Township 53, MOST of Section 17, PART of Section 18, and ALL of Sections 1-16. Includes ALL of Range 11, Township 54.

Polling Place:

 Two Harbors High School                                                                                            1640 Highway 2                                                                                                             Two Harbors MN 55616